Monday, 5 March 2012


Just a short one today...

     I was heartened to read a blog by author Neil Gaiman on the weekend (you can access here)which dove a little into the writing process. He's in the middle of another book and he describes how someday's it's like going through fog, where you can't see where you going but just gradually...gradually you get there. What a terrific feeling that is! I guess other days it's like shooting down the autobahn in a Ferrari doing 150 kph, with no brakes and no way of stopping. The story pours out of you, coming from God knows where. The key board is smoking, your fingers are sore to the bone... He also said that on those foggy days, when you only do 1500 words (half his usual output!), but you end up with have it! Your there! It's on paper (or the screen as may be the case)! You've done it! Oh, what a grand feeling that is...
     But what made this beginner happy is that an experienced author such as Gaiman has THOSE DAYS that every writer, be they beginner or pro I guess, has where the words come easy or other days you fight hard for every consonant and vowel, every paragraph, page and chapter. At the moment I average 2500 words a day and to have  a master such as Gaiman acknowledge an output of 3000 words is heartening. I'm constantly fighting a battle as to whether I've done enough, is this what normal writers do, etc. I've learnt to appreciate my inversion of an old motto: 'quality over quantity.' Being an author I think is not just about learning, but about DOING. That's the big secret to becoming an author, not whether you can or not, it's about whether you can DO IT. Make a start, finish it. Learn the process along the way. Now we know. Still, writing is a lonely process and I can understand why artists go mad. Living in your mind, day in and day out. Our poor husbands and wives. But you know what, it's better than digging ditches...
     In case you didn't see, I released the cover for my new book, THE MONSTER IN THE BASEMENT, the second book in my Sovereign Creek saga. 

I'm as pleased as punch that my cover artist, Juha Veltti has come up with another stunning piece of art. I've formed a relationship with this Finnish master that I hope will last for many, many years to come.
     With the release of MONSTER in June, I've decided to offer the first book in the series, THE SPIRIT OF THE MOON, for free as an Ebook from SMASHWORDS here. Why have I done this? Am I crazy? Well, no. I want as many people to enjoy SPIRIT before reading its bigger, newer sister and enjoy the ride in old  scary SOVEREIGN CREEK. But I hope that if you like the story so much, maybe you can buy the paperback edition from all good online and local bookstores, so my family and I don't starve entirely :)
     Lastly, I'm taking my boys to see JOHN CARTER at the movies this weekend. Watch this fan made trailer here as Disney have woefully mismanaged all marketing for this movie. I think it will be fun and visually entertaining. 

 Have fun and see you all next week.



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