As I become older (I'm only a young 38), I find that I am becoming more interested in how the universe works, what is reality and the state of the mind (Currently reading HYPERSPACE by Michio Kaku. A little out of date but a good primer on the state of physics, string theory, wormholes, parallel get the picture. Also have biographies of Einstein and Oppenheimer waiting for me too. This is why I should have listened in Physics class in high school). I guess this all goes along with being a believer since I was a little boy, in all things fantastic. I devoured comics and cartoons, read fantasy and scifi books, checked out guides on ghosts and all sorts of paranormal goodies from the library. What was not normal or perhaps what most people saw as unbelievable, always seemed to have some truth to me. I could never explain why, but I felt all those weird and unexplained mysteries where somehow true. Did I have an over active imagination? Sure. And most forward thinking people do. It was Einstein who said after all that it's not intelligence that served him well during his life but his IMAGINATION. The ability to dream and believe that the impossible is actually the probable. Yep, I was one of those kids. I guess that's why in THE SPIRIT OF THE MOON, we have boy named Maximus Walker who lives in a town that has a reputation for weird, paranormal events to happen, but no one really believes or remembers them. But he does. He always believed, so much so he investigates every little rumour or innuendo about the ghosts and goblins of his town Sovereign Creek, becoming what he calls 'a detective of the weird.' I never thought before, until now, that maybe Max and I share very similar traits. maybe MAx is a younger me, although certainly not intentional and I never had a magical sword. Sigh. I don't like the mundane. I want to believe there is more out there. I want to use my imagination every day. I crave for my over active imagination. And that suits me just fine. It's all out there, trust me. You just have to believe. And have imagination. Then comes the discoveries of a lifetime. How is you imagination? Have you listened to it lately?
New Doctor Who!!!!!!!
And currently enjoying with the kids, Young Justice!
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