Tuesday, 5 February 2013


     I have a goal for next year. A wonderfully secret goal for 2014. (Well I have other goals as well, like getting THE SPIRIT OF THE MOON  and  THE MONSTER IN THE BASEMENT onto more eplatforms and into more hands this year :) I only just spoke to my wife about it two days ago. She listened in wonderment, but mostly she listened in trepidation. It's a goal that's really way out there, especially for a 39 year old...especially one that has a family to provide for and two teenage boys that are facing the last and most important years of their schooling life. (Yes I worry about them. But I also know its all going to turn out in the end for them.). My wife didn't say much at the end of my glorious goal speech, probably because I still haven't worked out the particulars, it's risky and it is entirely dependent on me achieving another impossible goal for this year. This one I can tell you, without going into detail, is a purely financial goal that will enable me at least to go into 2014 comfortable and start the new path. Holy shit.
     I can't tell you all this goal, purely for the fact that if it is one lesson I have learnt at this stage of my life is this: It's great to have goals, but don't tell anyone about them unless you actually mean to achieve it. Have you ever had anyone in your life that announced they were going to do something but never, ever come through? What did you think of them, especially if it became a regular occurrence. This goal is not new for me. If you knew me very closely, you would know what the goal is. It's something I wanted to do all my adult life, but for whatever reason never quite reached for it. Maybe I wasn't ready or just plain mature enough. Maybe I had a family to think of (not that family should be the excuse. Family is FAMILY after all). Is now the time? I fell it is. Maybe I'm getting older and I feel time is running out. Who knows. I just know this. That goal, that little bit of light in the distance you always wanted to grab and make yours, gets further away everyday you let it get past. Have I waited to long? I hope not. The secret goal. The impossible goal. What's your Secret Goal? Let's get on with it...

Movies: THE LAST WAVE directed by Peter Weir. Highly recommended, moody, creepy drama ala Picnic at Hanging Rock. Was entranced the whole way through. Look it up at IMDB. Well worth seeking out.

TV: Justified season 4. Good to have that cast back.

Books: Doctor Who and the Daleks with intro by Neil Gaiman. A reissue of the old Target books that adapted serials of the TV show. These books taught me to read and I loved Doctor Who all the more. I have The Three Doctors coming next. I wish I had my originals from the early 80's. Sigh...



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